bootstrapped in 2009, based in Spain, European Union. In this time, we have serviced dozens of companies of all sizes worldwide. With over 95% international customers, the majority of them located in USA, Israel, Japan, and most EU countries, VISENGI keeps expanding its reach.
Through the years, customer projects have driven development of further products towards our specialization on Video Systems and IP cores. Our focus is on developing the fastest implementations for well-known and established standards: JPEG Extended and Baseline Encoders, AES encryption, SHA hashers, UDP/IP Network Stack, JPEG Decoder, Lossless PNG Encoder/Decoder, H.264 Video Encoder, H.264 Decoder, RISC-V CPUs, and more.
We have provided solutions for companies in the military, aerospace, automotive, professional video, control rooms, and industrial camera sectors, among others.
Our Technical Expertise:
System development: based on customer's vendor and technology. Proven expertise on high speed video/network systems for Altera/Intel, Xilinx devices, and TSMC ASIC targets.
Target Devices: Equally proficient on Altera/Intel, Xilinx, and ASIC targets. Our source code is fully vendor/target agnostic.
Proven SoC expertise: Both for Xilinx and Altera ARM enabled (SoC) FPGAs as well as our own in-house soft-core RISC-V CPUs. All the way from the HW (Systems, IP cores) to the SW side (Linux kernel module drivers, user-space apps., etc.).
Ease of use: Not only do we design with industry standard AXI memory mapped and streaming interfaces, we also provide IP block wrappers that allow instantiation by simple drag'n'drop.
HW/SW Know-How: Customers can control complex HW IP cores, as simple SW peripherals from easier to manage/debug applications (base source codes provided).
With a wide array of IPs in the video segment, a top-notch technical support, and highly competitive video products, today VISENGI is focusing on expanding its commercial reach.
We believe that the Hardware/Software business is not just about selling a fixed product. For us, it is about designing the exact product our clients want, it is about building confidence to let our customers rely on our quality engineering like they do on their own development teams.

VISENGI ha sido beneficiaria de la ayuda "Digitalizate para Crecer" periodo de ejecución 2023 concedida por Sodercan (Gobierno de Cantabria) por importe de 6481,44€ (60% del coste total) no siendo compatible con, ni habiendo recibido, otras.